Cheat Codes
While playing a game, press [Enter] to display the chat window and type one of following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function:RESULT - CHEAT CODE
1000 gold - robin hood
1000 wood - lumberjack
1000 stone - rock on
1000 food - cheese steak jimmy's
Instant victory - i r winner
Instant loss - resign
Fast building - aegis
Full map - marco
Kill indicated opponent - torpedo[number]
Kill all opponents - black death
No shadows - polo
Control animals - natural wonders
VDML - i love the monkey head
Cobra car - how do you turn this on
Saboteur - to smithereens
Commit suicide - wimpywimpywimpy
Cheat Codes (command line)
Start the game with one of the following command line parameters to activate the corresponding cheat function:RESULT - COMMAND LINE PARAMETER
800 x 600 screen resolution - 800
1024 x 768 screen resolution - 1024
1280 x 1024 screen resolution - 1280
Auto save game - autompsave
Standard mouse pointer - NormalMouse
Fix display problems with some video cards - Mfill
Fix SoundBlaster AWE freezes - Msync
Disable all terrain sounds - NoTerrainSound
Disable all music - NoMusic
Disable all sounds except during FMV sequences - NoSound
No pre-game FMV sequences - NoStartup
Cheat Codes (demo version)
While playing a game, press [Enter] to display the chat window and type one of following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function:RESULT - CHEAT CODE
1000 gold - coinage
1000 wood - woodstock
1000 stone - quarry
1000 food - pepperoni pizza
Instant building - steroids
Full map - reveal map
Control animals - gaia
No fog of war - no fog
Quick Creating
Press return and then type: 'under the bridge' and everything will move fast!Machine Gunners
For this cheat your must have CREATED a map with at least one SHAH on it. (to create a shah, go to heroes and press "S". Then, play the map and select your sha, bring it over to an enemy unit / building (preferably a house) and right click on that object. The shah will begin attacking it! The only drawback is that the shah has very little attack.Detroy buildings
If you press ''DEL'' while you have selected a building or unit it will be utterly destroyed (this doesn't work with the enemy)More Bases Advantage
To have a better chance of winning, you might want to build more than one base. Enlarge the base you start out with, making it completely fortified with at least two castles. Then, send a scout cavalry, or some other fast moving unit, to the opposite side of the map from your base. After you have checked the area and confirmed that it is safe, send a villager to build a castle at that location and fortify that base. This is very helpful if your enemy knows where one of your bases is located, especially during online play.Fast Resources
Use the following trick to rapidly enter the cheat codes and get resources quickly. For wood, press Enter, type lumberjack, highlight the word, then press Ctrl + C to copy it. Press Enter to activate the cheat. Press Enter again, then press Ctrl + V to paste the word on the screen for activation. Repeat to get resources quickly. This may be used with the rock on, robin hood, cheese stack jimmy's, and to smithereens codes.Free Ally
When you build a market, there is a chance that a rival tribe will ask you to send them a certain amount of wood, stone, gold, and food. When they do, click on "Diplomacy" or press Alt + D and click "Ally" on the name of that tribe. They will become an ally free of charge. However, when you do this you will no longer be able to align yourself with any other tribes. This is helpful if there are four tribes in the game.Get The Stone
Press "ENTER" then type the letters: rock on. You only need to type "rock on" and you will receive 1000 stone.Invincibility
While you are playing a single player game press the enter button. This will bring up a chat box.While in the chat box type 7 days until you die. Then press enter button again to enable this cheat. This will make your units and buildings take no damage and will not die.Get a monkey warrior that has 9 hit points but 99 armor points and 99 attack points but kills instantly
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